Recipe for Queering End of Summer 2021

1 Water is Life festival

1 Weekend Leo bday flavor visit w/ Dad in chiTown suburbs

1 Week turned 2 at beLoved western NY cottage w/ maternal family.

3 Days = start of grad school saucy remote learning style

5 Days back in Chicago for 77 yo Dad’s wedding/Irish Polish loveFest

Dash of Frida Kahlo, Ani, Willa, Joy

Heaping spoonFull of fab sister and cousin time

Sprinkle with wildness, adventure, anti-abortion wack, and generosity

Put in oven and bake to a queer crisp climate change is everywhere 450 degrees.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about feminist art of the femme body, especially the body of a self-identified woman of color. I wanted to write a poem that was like slowing down a sentence. I want the present tense to listen to its possible futures, and to ask, ‘What kind of power of undoing is wielded by being undone?’” - Kimberly Alidio

Lights! costumes! award winning score! Transcendent expressions of gender! Finally, the musical of the century committed to subversive, inclusive comedy, calling out boring, repressive, expired ideas that water down the fine art of fucking. Challenging heteronormative scripts about how to have sex, SLoaUA queers desire, pulls together like elements, finds attraction in affinity.

Yes, I am trashE. In and with my trashEness, I’ve started a practice of dedicating my experiences of pleasure to those beings around me. With my practice, I recognize my erotic ethic and see how my pleasure alongside the pleasure of others has created and will continue to create socioSexual Lubrication i.e. individual and collective freedom movements/moments.

There’s something world making/queer in re-imagining our cities and homes. As we reshape the ideas about what private and public support systems look like. I’m curious about how to re-create and re-purpose spaces, especially our family and urban spaces, in ways that open up a wide range of possibilities for sustaining and practicing relationships with our anger, fear, pain, pleasure and an even more resilient love.

Yikes! I stumbled upon otter sex off the gulf coast of Florida last month totally high after watching a pod of dolphins swim by as I did yoga on the beach. Makes me muse on what a strange year it’s been to be a sexual being. Identify as Poly. Practice queering the world with pleasure, writing, and love.

During turkeyFest month, I devour books. This year I’ve noticed how especially delicious queer-ed bodies and pleasures taste on the page. Here are a few titles with BIPOC + gender expansive folx + queer stories front and center. May more of us queers write- taking up space and talking loudly with our pens about what feels good.

Blog review

“She’s not just using this buzzword (fragility). Erin examines how complicated and far reaching systemic inequity is. We must make it common knowledge that working for sexual freedom & body autonomy for all, while queering pleasure and relationships, is about dismantling systems of power. We can’t just waltz towards a more pleasurable human experience without tearing some shit down.” -fellow pleasure activist and diva loving, sex educator Lauren Fryer

Last week while ranting to my meditation group about the bland reality that is incessant online meetings, my external fervor reached fever pitch. In that moment, I proposed “An Orgasm a Meeting”. Referring to and building on earlier Sex in My City blog post “An Orgasm a Day”, here’s an opportunity to increase intimacy in our lives, brighten our dimmed screens, and re-invigorate conversations with our own bodies while we’re on the clock.

Thanks to a decade plus of dedication to my writing life, I now understand timing, materials needed, and spaces that serve my craft best. Ultimately it’s the balance between absence and presence. Slow Love Lake Superior is what I call the approach to loving the person/ people/places/practices I do ‘slowly and with quiet, steady pleasure’.

As I apply to graduate schools, I feel intimate/at odds with the ideas of meritocracy. Hard work. Striving for success. Yes sexy talk for realz and damn!!? I realize I’ve pushed my commitment to pleasure to the side. My creative/kinky brain feels like mush while fine tuning and sculpting cognitive skills. As I ask is it possible to do both, I realize I’ve forgotten to wield my most prized smarts this winter. Flirting.