All in Queer

Yikes! I stumbled upon otter sex off the gulf coast of Florida last month totally high after watching a pod of dolphins swim by as I did yoga on the beach. Makes me muse on what a strange year it’s been to be a sexual being. Identify as Poly. Practice queering the world with pleasure, writing, and love.

During turkeyFest month, I devour books. This year I’ve noticed how especially delicious queer-ed bodies and pleasures taste on the page. Here are a few titles with BIPOC + gender expansive folx + queer stories front and center. May more of us queers write- taking up space and talking loudly with our pens about what feels good.

In summer, I experience 20 minute orgasms almost daily. I drive, walk or bike my body 4 miles down to Lake Superior and stare into the wild eyes of bigLake beauty, my primary love, this place that gifts me water rich experiences everyday. I’m held by green granite hillside, long blue horizon, white lighthouses to my left and right.