“What you thought was the sound of the deer drinking
at the base of the ravine was not their soft tongues
entering the water but my Love tying my bow tie.”
All in Queer
“What you thought was the sound of the deer drinking
at the base of the ravine was not their soft tongues
entering the water but my Love tying my bow tie.”
Oh! the transition from Queer Intimacy with southern Place to Queer Intimacy with northern Place. This post+poem is an ode to my Texas landscape, escape, adventure.
Yikes! I stumbled upon otter sex off the gulf coast of Florida last month totally high after watching a pod of dolphins swim by as I did yoga on the beach. Makes me muse on what a strange year it’s been to be a sexual being. Identify as Poly. Practice queering the world with pleasure, writing, and love.
During turkeyFest month, I devour books. This year I’ve noticed how especially delicious queer-ed bodies and pleasures taste on the page. Here are a few titles with BIPOC + gender expansive folx + queer stories front and center. May more of us queers write- taking up space and talking loudly with our pens about what feels good.
Oh extreme beaching! How I love thee. My almost daily bibliophilic excursions offer a euphoric season of full body, mind, heart pleasure next to my bigLake. To end this practice is the most painful marker of change every September. And 2020 is no ordinary year.
My brain will never comprehend all that is held in this basin, watershed, body. I don’t try. Just like the enormity of and mystery in Dolly Parton’s magic, a counter sexual manifesto to free us all, and saying yes to kinky queer wild sexual desires like Allison Moon does every day/page. This new decade stretches in front of me. Us all. A giant cup FULL of love juice.
In summer, I experience 20 minute orgasms almost daily. I drive, walk or bike my body 4 miles down to Lake Superior and stare into the wild eyes of bigLake beauty, my primary love, this place that gifts me water rich experiences everyday. I’m held by green granite hillside, long blue horizon, white lighthouses to my left and right.
I was recently asked, “What’s it like to be queer in Duluth? Will you write about it?” Hmmmm… a delicious and dastardly task, especially during Pride month when all kinds of queer are visible to the naked eye.
As spring blooms and summer bites, I’m reading three books- She He They Me: For the Sisters, Misters, and Binary Resisters by Dr. Robyn Ryle, a choose your own adventure about gender identity, Bowlaway by Elizabeth McCracken, and The Book of Delights by Ross Gay. All three engage re-imagined worlds and queer definitions decorate the pages.
Author Richard Powers queerly writes, “We all travel the Milky Way together trees and [humxns], in every walk we take with nature one receives far more than they seek. The [queerest] way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.”
Newsflash. We are afraid of the word and the idea of pleasure. Especially in Minnesota, the state I adoringly call home for a handful of reasons, where silence and nice are ubiquitous .
My fiftieth SiMC entry (I don’t publish Everything)! The perfect time to write about upending gender (a fixed and fluid set of ideas about how all binary to non binary folx identify and express ourselves) and sex (the biological assignments given to us at birth based on genitalia).
My QIwP is a tool and a way of undressing the world. Stand touching, naked with my many lived in worlds. This connection is justice and beauty. Is pulsing blood for me.