Oh Minnesota and all your contradictions! Love how EVERYone’s talking about this performance. Perfect post for my birthday month when I was too pleasured up to create blog magic. Thank you Lizzo. You are a fierce Mpls based pleasure activist.
All in Radical
Oh Minnesota and all your contradictions! Love how EVERYone’s talking about this performance. Perfect post for my birthday month when I was too pleasured up to create blog magic. Thank you Lizzo. You are a fierce Mpls based pleasure activist.
Newsflash. We are afraid of the word and the idea of pleasure. Especially in Minnesota, the state I adoringly call home for a handful of reasons, where silence and nice are ubiquitous .
My fiftieth SiMC entry (I don’t publish Everything)! The perfect time to write about upending gender (a fixed and fluid set of ideas about how all binary to non binary folx identify and express ourselves) and sex (the biological assignments given to us at birth based on genitalia).
“Recognizing the power of the erotic within our lives can give us the energy to pursue genuine change in our world, rather than merely settling for a shift of characters in the same weary drama. For not only do we touch our most profoundly creative source, but we do that which is female and self-affirming in the face of racist, patriarchal, and anti-erotic society.” –Audre Lorde
Thinking of folx who organize community events- what makes radical and queer and pleasure-positive, radical queer and pleasure-positive.
Damn have I, even as queer and sex positive as I think I am, bought into a mega boring, minimalizing, bullshit way of thinking about relationships...