Erin O'daniel is a gender expansive Queer Writing in Duluth (stolen Anishinaabe land), Minnesota

Snow Moon Sex

Fully, Autonomous-

i slept with February’s snow moon

while writing in the South.

micro light wrapped around me

moments of farthest away

(252,225 miles from All of us),

making it look a bit smaller

than every other full.

moon remembering me

me remembering moon

wrapped around me

me wrapped around rounder

ideas of ownership freedom of bodies

rigids forgotten




i claim

i counter

compulsory submissions.

moon wrapped around me

me wrapped around moon,

the moment,

the distance-

glowing with pleasure,

face turned to nite sky.

a queer, rounder way of relating.

moon wrapped around me,

me wrapped around moon.

i remember

i re-remember,

the light of loving



Welcome to the Pleasuredome- Music