Erin O'daniel is a gender expansive Queer Writing in Duluth (stolen Anishinaabe land), Minnesota

Mossy Conclusions

I love how RWK has gained a well deserved and mighty! following for Braiding Sweetgrass. I must admit here- my favorite of her books is Gathering Moss. I’ve always fantasized about having sex on moss. Making out under mossy wet loud waterfalls. Becoming moss in this lifetime and the next and another. Robin shares the science and wisdom and wit that confirms my pull to such wise, wild, old, witty, pleasure inducing plants.

As we prepare for the election, work for justice, talk to our neighbors, believe in love and connection and brilliant strategizing focused on equity for all and the common good, we also center the well being and strength of this subtle, stunning, throbbing, hot, erotic earth body we call home- and its plants.

RWK invites us to take a long view of Earth and the ancient beings, mosses, who teach us strategies of resistance and persistence and pleasure. RWK writes, “Mosses, I think, are like time made visible. They create a kind of botanical forgetting. Shoot by tiny shoot, the past is obscured in green. That’s why we have stories, so we can remember.”

Read her beautiful storytelling and badAss science in this article titled “Ancient Greens”.

Thank you Robin and moss- for every/any/all the things!

"Political Poem"

I am a sparklySexual